The Gasteiner Dunstbad
Only 3 minutes to walk you arrive the "Gasteiner Dunstbad"
Healing Caves
Investigations conducted by the research institute "host-Tauern Region" Have shown that the rain water in the area of Graukogels and Hüttenkogels in about 1800 m elevation trickles away, in a depth of 2000 m declining, in the depth and heated again in about 1000 m above sea level in the field of Badberges from 18 different sources revealed occurs. The thermal water is weakly mineralized, radon-containing and has a temperature of 44-47 degrees C. Radon is on the skin and respiratory tract in the body, and after a few hours is completely eliminated. It stimulates cell metabolism, promotes the repair capacity of cells and produces analgesic substances in the body.Basis and impact of cure are under continuous scrutiny by the research institute "Gasteiner TauernRegion.
Classic indications:
Chronic rheumatic diseases and distorting degenerative joint disease Ankylosing Spondylitis, neuralgia successor states of sports and accident injuries of the locomotor apparatus and Poor healing wounds strengthening of the immune system.
Positive experiences Exist for: impairment of fertility and potency Geriatrics Syndrome eczema the skin, scleroderma, psoriasis osteoporosis pain General regeneration bronchial asthma.
Contraindications specifically
Acute rheumatic relapses, thyroid transfer function; Otherwise, all Akuterkrankungen like everyone Health: Heart attack, stroke, vascular inflammation, severe febrile infection, severity of heart failure, recent surgery, acute inflammatory disease progressing.